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my thoughts are mine as such my words are mine they form inside my head they brew a storm of pure emotion mixed with thought a dash...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Throwback #14: self-proclaimed martyr

sometimes i think you do things
just to seem the martyr
you sigh
and cry
and carry on
like no one else's life is harder.
you say you're stressed,
no wonder why,
just look at all you do!
turning molehills into mountains
can take so much out of you!
I mean, how can we be so selfish
or EVER have such fun
when you're constantly reminding us
of all that you have done!
out of love for us, you say,
from the depths of your big heart!
but of course that's only half true;
weaving words can be an art.
it's hard
I know,
I understand,
to suffer and be silent.
but, my friend,
your pain to us
is never less than violent.
with all the guilt tripping
and exaggerating truths!
for God's sake,
try to be yourself
and I'll be there for you.


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